Submissions and Guidelines

Articles are invited for inclusion in the next issues of Italian Journal, the four-monthly magazine published by the Italian Academy Foundation, Inc. of New York.

Each issue focuses on a particular aspect of the contemporary Italian cultural landscape and strongly encourages a multi-disciplinary approach, able to intertwine academic insights, critical perspectives, narrative digressions, economic and financial analysis, weaved together and enriched by the magazine’s strong visually captivating appeal.

From our perspective, culture should be viewed as a lens through which it is possible to interpret changes and trends in the Italian society as well as a powerful vehicle for economic recovery and growth.

Submission Proposal




Italian Journal encourages submissions covering the specific theme of each issue, but will also consider contributions focusing on other more general topical areas, such as:

  • Italian History and Culture;
  • Protagonists of Italian culture – past and present;
  • Italian Literature;
  • Italian Cinema;
  • Italian Art and Design;
  • Italian Science and Technology;
  • Italian Economic and Industrial landscape;
  • Italian Fashion;
  • Italian New York;
  • Italians and Americans: mutual influences and connections across cultures.

For proposals and further information, please complete the form above.




Contributions may fall within a single discipline (such as economics, literary and art criticism, sociology or political studies) or adopt an interdisciplinary approach. Interviews with leading personalities in the suggested fields are also very welcome.

Word Count: The number of words is up to the authors’ time and willingness: min. 500 – max 1000. Articles should be delivered with a suggested headline.

Author’s Bio: Authors are also requested to send their short bio (max 100 words) and photograph. The author’s bio, photo, website and published books appear in the front of the publication and on Italian Journal’s online contributors’ page, which provides further exposure to our outstanding writers and photographers.

Images: Any additional photographic material (with captions and credits) sent by authors to illustrate their articles will be greatly appreciated.

Reimbursement: The magazine is run by the 501c3 not-for-profit foundation Italian Academy Foundation, Inc. as part of a cultural initiative,  and at the moment cannot offer monetary compensation. What we provide our contributors with is in the form of exposure to a refined audience of culturally astute individuals in the New York and tri-State area. The magazine is promoted through diplomatic circles, concerts, symposiums and openings produced by the Italian Academy Foundation, Inc.


Editorial Guidelines

1. Articles must be submitted by e-mail to Italian Journal’s Associate Editor Laura Giacalone:, in MS Word or Rich Text Format (no PDF’s).

2. Within text, authors should use italics for the titles of books, articles, essays and other publications, and for foreign words (except those used in common language).

3. Pictures, charts or tables must be sent as separate files, indicating the position of each picture, chart and table in the text. Each image must be accompanied by the image credits and caption.

4. Footnotes / Endnotes should be kept to a minimum. These appear at the end of the article and are not to be embedded within the pages of the document.

5. Contributions may be divided into paragraphs with headings and subheadings, using a single paragraph return.

6. References included in the text should appear between round brackets, with the author’s last name and publishing year separated with a comma (ex: Verdicchio, 2011). For joint authors, both last names must be given, separated by “and” (ex: Rumble and Testa, 1994). Works by more than two authors must be cited in the text using the first author’s last name, followed by et al. in italics (ex: Price et al., 1995); all other authors must be cited in the list of references at the end of the text.

References taken from different sources, but with the same authorship and year of publication, can be distinguished from one another by inserting a lower case letter after the year (ex: Baudrillard, 1995a, 1995b).

All sources are listed at the end of the text in alphabetical order according to the last name of the first author, as in the following examples:

Bacon, Henry (1998), Visconti: Explorations of Beauty and Decay. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Bernardi, Sandro (2000), “Rosselini’s Landscapes: Nature, Myth, History”. Forgacs, David, Lutton, Sarah and Nowell-Smith Geoffrey (Eds.), Roberto Rossellini: Magician of the Real. London: BFI.

Bondanella, Peter (2002), The Films of Federico Fellini. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Kemp, Philip (2002), “The Son’s Room”. Sight and Sound. Vol 12 No 3 March p. 56.

References to websites and other online sources can be included in the text. In the case of extremely long URLs, it is preferable to indicate them in the footnotes.

7. Direct quotations taken from other publications or sources are set off by quotation marks “…”. (Please, do not use the double inequality characters << and >>). Quotations of more than five lines should be set off from the body of the text by a blank line before and after the quote. Long quotations should be followed by name(s) of the author(s), year of publication and page number(s) between round brackets. Year of publication and page number(s) must be separated by a colon followed by one space, as in the following example: (Citron, 2010: 56). Quotations of fewer than five lines should be incorporated into the body of the text. For shorter quotations of a few words or sentences it is not necessary to include the page number.

8. Authors receive a free copy of the journal issue in which their work appears. You may request additional copies at a reduced rate by contacting the publishing office directly.


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